box and Packaging

Three layer carton

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Three layer carton

Cartons are designed and manufactured according to their purpose and application. Packaging is a specialized matter, which its one of  the main techniques is carton packaging. The layers of each carton represent the thickness of the carton. 3-layer carton is made of three layers, but how and why is it made of 3 layers? The reason for this can be attributed to the carton's impact resistance. How to do it also includes the following steps:


Three layer carton


Step 1: First, select the top and bottom layers. These layers are called liners. These two layers are like two parallel lines and do not intersect.

Step 2: Then two main layers places between two main layers of the flutes.

Step 3: Use special glue to place the flutes (congressional or corrugated paper) between the liners.

Note that the flute and liners material should not necessarily be the same. You can use different types of cardboard to make carton, depending on the strength you want.

If you have a specific product, design the carton according to the material and temperature required. Three-layer cartons are widely used. If you are planning on moving to a new house, three-layer cartons are a good option. If you are a business owner and looking for cartons that are more or less solid and portable, be sure to consider 3-layer cartons and be sure to keep your goods and products safe against different impacts, light and moisture, the free fall on the move, and so on. To see more samples click here.


Three layer carton


Today, green cartons that are based on green packaging have a special place among consumers. These cartons are environmentally friendly and do the least damage to the environment. If your company wants quality control certificates, one way to earn points is to use recycled materials in the production. One of the ways of producing green cartons is to make cartons based on reproducible sources, these cartons consist of  lactic acid and starch, sugarcane, corn, potatoes. Another type of green carton is biodegradable additives made with OXO and BIO additives that break down easily. In the preparation of green cartons the important thing is to use recyclable materials to easily decompose and enter the environment. If you want to use three-layer green cartons, first get all the specifications required by the buyer and provide the contractor with a guarantee. Your warranty should include information about the buyer company and general information such as being consistent with standards and carton recyclable.